“If you manufacture or market a product for the waterproofing industry, you simply will not find a more efficient, effective way to reach your audience.”
Your advertisement will also be seen by an additional 5,000 architects that receive the digital edition of every issue at no extra cost.
WATERPROOF! Magazine and its website www.waterproofmag.com, are the most cost-effective way to reach the Waterproofing industry.
Since 2007, we have fine-tuned our subscription base and distribution plan to ensure you receive the maximum return on your marketing dollar.
Circulation and Readership
WATERPROOF! Magazine has a circulation of 10,000 print copies distributed throughout North America. An additional 5,000 digital copies are distributed to qualified architects and specifiers. The content is also available to thousands of online readers. Our readership includes residential and commercial waterproofers, foundation contractors, and thousands of large roofing contractors.
Research indicates that each edition is read by an average of three individuals, which means your message has the potential to reach almost 50,000 interested, relevant readers every quarter. Between our print platform, digital edition, and highly ranked website, clients have the opportunity to reach the vast majority of the business owners and decision-makers that determine which waterproofing products should be purchased.
Geographically, this magazine reaches readers in all 50 states and Canada, but our readership extends across all the country to reflect the different waterproofing needs in all regions.
In addition to our qualified 15,000+ circulation, we will be altering our digital distribution to reflect changes due to the global pandemic. We will be distributing digital editions or otherwise enhancing the virtual presence of the magazine at virtual trade shows and events in ways that make sense for those individual events.
We feel confident that you will receive a better return on your marketing dollar by advertising in this magazine than any other publication on the market.
If you manufacture or market a product for the waterproofing industry, the most efficient, effective way to reach your audience is to advertise in WATERPROOF! magazine.
Editorial Calendar
WATERPROOF! Magazine reaches virtually every segment of the waterproofing industry. Because of that, our editorial coverage is equally broad: sump pumps, membranes, drain sheets, and even structural repair—in both residential and commercial applications. Each issue has at least one full-length feature on each of the three major sectors involved in waterproofing.

Columns and Departments Featured Regularly:
Residential Below Grade waterproofing is covered in every issue. Spray-applied foundation sealants, self-adhered sheet goods, footing drain tiles, and sump pump systems are regularly covered. Coverage also includes crack repair, carbon fiber straps, and even piering. Basement finishing, mold remediation, and moisture management are also regular topics.
Commercial Above and Below Grade features are a second editorial focus. From subway tunnels to wastewater treatment plants, we also cover all facets of commercial and industrial waterproofing. Underslab barriers, crystalline admixtures, polyurea coatings, curtain grouting, waterstops, blindside work, above-grade air barriers, joint sealants, and more are regular topics.
Commercial Roofing is the third major editorial focus. Each issue includes one major commercial roofing topic, such as single-ply, built-up, and ballasted roofing, reflective cool roofing, leak detection, vegetated “green” systems, and even spray-on coatings. In addition to these features, every issue of WATERPROOF! Magazine contains a succinct and relevant news roundup, a summary of upcoming industry trade shows, and a featured products section highlighting the newest technology and materials available.
So whether you specialize in small residential basements, massive blindside projects, or LEED-certified green roofs, you’ll find it covered in the pages of this publication.
WATERPROOF! If you market a waterproofing product, you won’t find a better way to reach your target audience than advertising here. We follow the editorial calendar as closely as possible, but it is subject to change.
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